Confidential Resources

For those that have experienced sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking and/or retaliation, some may feel more comfortable talking with a confidential resource. 

confidentiality - know your options

We encourage victims of sexual misconduct, dating or domestic violence, or stalking to talk to someone about what happened – so you can get the support you need, and so the University can respond appropriately. Whether – and the extent to which – a University employee may agree to maintain confidentiality (and not disclose information to the Title IX Coordinator) depends on the Employee’s position and responsibilities at the University. This information is intended to make you aware of the various reporting and confidential disclosure options available to you – so you can make informed choices about where to turn for help. The University encourages victims to talk to someone identified in one or more of these groups.

As explained below, some employees are required by law to maintain near complete confidentiality; talking to them is sometimes called a “privileged communication.” Other Employees may talk to a victim in confidence, and generally only report to the University that an incident occurred without revealing any personally identifying information. Most employees are required to report all details of an incident (including the identities of both the victim and alleged perpetrator) to the Title IX Coordinator. A report to these employees constitutes a report to the University, and generally creates a legal obligation for the University to investigate the incident and take appropriate steps to address the situation.

CSUF's Campus Confidential Advocates

CSUF has Campus Confidential AdvocatesOpens in new window that provide support to both students and employees. Sexual assault and domestic violence counselors and advocates who work or volunteer on or off campus in sexual assault centers, victim advocacy offices, and health centers and who are acting solely in that role (including those who act in that role under their supervision, along with non-professional counselors or advocates who work or volunteer in sexual assault centers, victim advocacy offices, or health centers) in the provision of counseling or advocacy services.  The Campus Confidential Advocates can be reached at 657-278-3220, or by scheduling an intake appointment onlineOpens in new window .

Physicians, Psychotherapists, Professional Counselors and Clergy

Physicians, psychotherapists, professional licensed counselors, licensed clinical social workers, and clergy who work on or off campus, acting solely in those roles or capacities as part of their employment, in the provision of medical or mental health treatment or counseling.

However, see limited exceptions outlined in CSU's Nondiscrimination PolicyOpens in new window regarding when health care practitioners must report to local law enforcement agencies. Health care practitioners should explain these limited exceptions to you, if applicable.

Students may contact TitanMEDOpens in new window for health care.  Students may contact Counseling & Psychological ServicesOpens in new window for mental health support and resources.

Employees may utilize their health care benefitsOpens in new window for this type of care.  Employees may also utilize the Employee Assistance ProgramOpens in new window for mental health and other support.

University Police or Local Law Enforcement Agency

If you report certain sex offenses to local or University Police, the police are required to notify you that your name will become a matter of public record unless confidentiality is requested. If you request that your identity be kept confidential, your name will not become a matter of public record and the police will not report your identity to anyone else at the University, including the Title IX Coordinator. University Police will, however, report the facts of the incident itself to the Title IX Coordinator being sure not to reveal to the Title IX Coordinator your name/identity, or compromise their own criminal investigation.

The University is required by the federal Clery Act to report certain types of crimes (including certain sex offenses) in statistical reports. However, while the University will report the type of incident in the annual crime statistics report known as the Annual Security Report, your name/identity will not be revealed.

Visit the University Police website at or call (657) 278-2515.

Off Campus

  • WaymakersOpens in new window : Certified Sexual Assault Counselors respond 24 hours a day, seven days a week via a rape crisis hotline, to police departments and hospitals, and through two rape crisis centers. Comprehensive and confidential services are provided to victims of rape and other sexual assaults, sexually abused children, and their family members.  You can call the Waymakers 24-hour hotline at either 714-957-2737 or 949-831-9110. 
  • Laura's HouseOpens in new window  provides domestic violence-related services to Orange County.  You can reach the 24-hour hotline by calling 866-498-1511.  

Exceptions to Confidentiality

Under California law, any health practitioner employed in a health facility, clinic, physician’s office, or local or state public health department or clinic is required to make a report to local law enforcement if he or she provides medical services for a physical condition to a patient/victim who he or she knows or reasonably suspects is suffering from: (1) a wound or physical injury inflicted by a firearm; or (2) any wound or other physical injury inflicted upon a victim where the injury is the result of assaultive or abusive conduct (including sexual misconduct and dating and domestic violence). This exception does not apply to sexual assault and domestic violence counselors and advocates. Health care practitioners will explain this limited exception to you, if applicable.

Additionally, under California law, all professionals described above (physicians, psychotherapists, professional counselors, clergy, and sexual assault and domestic violence counselors and advocates) are mandatory child abuse and neglect reporters, and are required to report incidents involving victims under 18 years of age to local law enforcement. These professionals will explain this limited exception to you, if applicable.

Finally, some or all of these professionals may also have reporting obligations under California law to: (1) local law enforcement in cases involving threats of immediate or imminent harm to self or others where disclosure of the information is necessary to prevent the threatened danger; or (2) to the court if compelled by court order or subpoena in a criminal proceeding related to the incident. If applicable, these professionals will explain this limited exception to you.